Diversity & Equity Consulting In Nigeria -Novatia Consulting

Novatia Consulting is a leading provider of diversity and equity consulting services in Nigeria. Our team consists of experts from multiple disciplines, including organizational psychology, sociology, law, education and public policy.

We are committed to helping organizations create an inclusive work environment for all employees that respects the differences among people and promotes equality within workplaces. Our approach to delivering solutions involves engaging stakeholders at all levels to ensure everyone’s voice is heard and their perspectives taken into consideration when formulating strategies to promote workplace equity.

Through our comprehensive range of diversity & equity consulting services, we strive to help Nigerian corporations realize their potential by unlocking the power of inclusion.

Diversity Auditing

Diversity auditing is a fundamental part of any successful diversity and equity consultancy. It enables organizations to assess the level of success they have in achieving their goals for inclusive working practices as well as identify areas where improvement may be needed.

At Novatia Consulting, we specialize in providing comprehensive diversity audits that allow our clients to gain an accurate overview of how various aspects of their organization affects employee engagement, such as recruitment processes or internal policies.

When conducting a diversity audit, we consider all forms of discrimination and strive to ensure that our clients are implementing fair employment practices and taking into account the different backgrounds and experiences each individual brings to the workplace. Assessing various elements within an organization’s culture can help create effective strategies for inclusion by identifying potential blind spots with regards to anti-discrimination efforts.

To obtain meaningful results from diversity auditing, it is essential that employees across all levels are involved throughout the process. This includes having them participate in focus groups and interviews which provides us with valuable insights about their unique perspectives on what needs improving within their respective departments or teams. Additionally, gathering data through surveys gives us more quantifiable evidence about particular issues related to diversity & equity initiatives within an organization.

At Novatia Consulting, our goal is to provide our clients with actionable recommendations based on the outcomes of our audits so they can further develop their commitment towards creating a diverse and equitable work environment that values each individual regardless of race, gender identity or sexual orientation. Our team strives not only to make sure this happens but also ensure it continues happening long after our involvement has ended.

Cultural Competency Training

The importance of cultural competency training cannot be overstated for any organization, and this is especially true for diversity & equity consulting firms like Novatia Consulting.

Cultural competence refers to an individual’s or a group’s ability to interact with people from different cultures in a respectful way, understanding the nuances of cross-cultural differences and similarities. This type of knowledge helps individuals navigate complex intercultural communication scenarios while avoiding potential misunderstandings that could arise when working with diverse groups.

Cultural competency training provides organizations with the tools they need to develop strategies that foster greater inclusion and respect between employees, customers, clients, stakeholders and other key partners.

By equipping team members with knowledge about how to work effectively across cultures, businesses can promote a positive workplace culture rooted in empathy and appreciation for others’ perspectives:

  • Developing cultural sensitivity: Training should focus on recognizing the impact of prejudices on relationships between those from different backgrounds. It should also include techniques for addressing sensitive topics without compromising professionalism or perpetuating stereotypes.
  • Building understanding of cultural norms: Understanding ways in which various cultures express themselves differently through language, dress codes, body language etc., are all important components of successful intercultural communication.
  • Enhancing interpersonal skills: Learning how to read nonverbal cues such as facial expressions and gestures can provide insight into how someone may be feeling during professional interactions regardless of their background or culture.

Novatia Consulting incorporates these principles into our comprehensive cultural competency trainings designed to help companies build more inclusive workplaces where everyone feels valued and respected.

With improved awareness around issues related to diversity & equity comes an increased capacity among leaders within organizations to create equitable policies that support all individuals in achieving success within their respective fields.

Unconscious Bias Assessment

Unconscious bias is a deeply ingrained form of prejudice and discrimination that occurs outside of conscious awareness. It can be linked to how individuals perceive, think about, and interact with others who are different from themselves, leading to unfavorable outcomes in cross cultural communication and workplaces nationwide.

To effectively address unconscious bias within organizations, it is important to recognize the presence of all forms of diversity—including race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion/spirituality, age, ability level, etc.—and view them through an intersectional lens.

At Novatia Consulting we provide comprehensive assessments for clients to identify areas where unconscious biases may exist and create strategies for reducing their impact on organizational culture. Our detailed evaluations include measurements such as interviews with key stakeholders; analysis of policies and procedures; surveys and focus groups with employees; review of job postings; trainings around implicit bias mitigation tactics; tracking progress over time; and much more.

Furthermore, our team utilizes a strategic approach toward addressing existing issues while also providing preventative measures so these problems do not arise again in the future. We believe that every organization has the potential to become inclusive spaces where everyone feels safe and valued.

When this happens there will be increased collaboration among diverse teams as well as improved performance across departments which leads to greater productivity overall. We strive to help our clients achieve this goal by creating individualized plans tailored specifically to their needs—from identifying invisible barriers preventing success or growth up until implementation of solutions aimed at fostering an equitable environment free from any type of discrimination or harassment.

Our commitment is founded upon the understanding that in order for companies to remain competitive they must develop strategies that foster inclusion rather than exclusion based on differences between people. Through our services we empower organizations with the necessary tools required for creating lasting change towards equality within the workplace thus allowing them to reach their full potential beyond what was previously thought possible.

Inclusive Leadership Training

The ability of leaders to embrace diversity and create an equitable workplace culture has become increasingly important in the modern business world. Leaders have a responsibility to ensure their team dynamics promote collaboration, productivity and innovation. Achieving this goal requires inclusive leadership training that equips executives with the right knowledge and skillsets.

Specifically, executive-level personnel should be trained on topics such as:

  • Understanding biases: Uncovering personal prejudices and recognizing how they can impact decision making processes.
  • Developing cultural competency: Learning how to respect different values, cultures, beliefs, abilities and backgrounds while fostering productive working relationships across diverse teams.
  • Leveraging diversity for growth: Applying best practices when recruiting, hiring and advancing employees from various demographics; developing company strategies that reflect diversity goals; and leveraging individual differences among team members to drive innovative solutions.

Moreover, it is essential for executives to understand the role organizational policies play in creating an environment free of discrimination or harassment. Executives must also be able to recognize signs of exclusionary behavior within the workplace so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken swiftly.

By investing in comprehensive leadership training programs designed specifically around these objectives, companies will not only create more inclusive work environments but also generate greater economic returns through improved employee engagement and productivity levels.

Policy Development & Implementation

Novatia Consulting is committed to providing the most comprehensive approach to policy development and implementation. Our team of experts work diligently in order to ensure that policies are tailored specifically to each organization’s needs, while also taking into account the diversity and equity goals set forth.

To achieve this, we employ a number of strategies including team building exercises, community outreach initiatives, and other methods designed to foster an inclusive environment from top-down.

Team building exercises focus on fostering collaboration between all stakeholders within an organization or enterprise. These activities enable individuals to develop relationships with one another which can lead to greater understanding and better communication.

Community outreach initiatives involve engaging members of the local area in conversations about diversity and equity issues. This helps spread awareness about these important topics and encourages everyone involved to think critically about how they interact with others.

At Novatia Consulting we understand that effective policy development requires more than just words on paper; it must be backed up by actionable steps taken towards creating meaningful change. We strive not only to craft well-rounded policies but also provide guidance for their successful implementation across organizations.

Through our holistic approach incorporating both internal and external elements such as team building exercises and community outreach programs, we work hard to make sure that these policies result in positive outcomes for all concerned parties.

Our commitment goes beyond simply developing guidelines – Novatia Consulting provides support throughout every stage of the process so that progress can be tracked accurately over time. By using data collection techniques combined with feedback from stakeholders, we help clients create long-lasting solutions rooted in equality and respect for all individuals regardless of background or identity.

Diversity & Inclusion Program Design

When designing a diversity & inclusion program, equity mapping and intersectionality exploration are essential components. Equity mapping is the process of collecting data in order to assess existing disparities between different social groups within an organization or society. This can be done through surveys, interviews with stakeholders, focus groups and other research methods.

Intersectionality exploration involves understanding how these various social groupings intersect and inform one another in terms of their experiences and perspectives on the issue at hand. It is important that such programs are designed in consultation with individuals from diverse backgrounds who can provide insight into what works best for them based on their lived experience.

Furthermore, it should take into account both quantitative data as well as qualitative feedback from those involved. The goal should be to create a structure that allows participants to share stories and insights while also providing space to address systemic issues which may have been overlooked previously.

In addition to this, there must be clear lines of accountability when implementing any diversity & inclusion program so that progress can be tracked over time. Outcomes should be measurable against objectives set out in advance; this could include increasing representation of certain demographics within an organization or setting targets for recruitment and retention of employees from diverse backgrounds.

Regular reviews should also take place in order to identify gaps in programming or areas where further support is needed. Ultimately, effective diversity & inclusion initiatives require ongoing commitment from organizations if they are going to result in meaningful change.

Through regular assessment, organizations can ensure that their efforts remain focused on creating equitable opportunities for all members of staff regardless of background or identity. Such programs will not only benefit individual employees but contribute towards long-term organizational growth by encouraging greater collaboration across teams and departments while fostering a culture of respect and acceptance throughout the workplace.

Diversity & Inclusion Metrics Analysis

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) metrics analysis is a powerful tool to uncover gaps in organizational performance, identify potential areas of improvement, and inform decision-making. To ensure accurate data collection and results, it is essential that organizations employ an intersectional approach when conducting D&I metrics analysis.

Doing so enables the organization to understand how different aspects of diversity interact with one another and how they impact overall outcomes. An effective D&I metrics analysis should involve both qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as a variety of data sources such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, assessments, documents/records review, etc.

This will provide the most comprehensive understanding of the current state of organizational culture from multiple perspectives. Additionally, these measures must be regularly monitored to assess progress towards achieving desired objectives. In order for D&I metrics analysis to have maximum effectiveness within an organization it must be conducted in collaboration with stakeholders across all levels of the business.

Involving key personnel in this process allows them to gain insights into their own experiences and further understands any difficulties associated with managing diverse teams or initiatives. Furthermore, gaining input from individuals directly involved helps prevent issues from developing over time due to lack of insight or awareness about particular challenges faced by employees who are members of various minority groups.

Overall, using an intersectional approach when assessing D&I strategies provides more nuanced insights into how different identities intersect and shape workplace dynamics which can lead to more equitable solutions and better outcomes for everyone involved. Through proper implementation of relevant tools not only can organizations track their successes but also take proactive steps towards creating inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or other factors that make us unique individuals.

Employee Resource Group Facilitation

Building and sustaining an inclusive workplace is a daunting task, but one that can be achieved through the implementation of employee resource group (ERG) facilitation. ERGs are powerful tools for companies to provide equitable opportunities and experiences to all employees while promoting diversity in the workplace.

At Novatia Consulting, we understand the importance of leveraging intersectional approaches when facilitating ERGs:

  • Developing culturally-relevant initiatives to drive workplace inclusion
  • Encouraging meaningful dialogue between staff members from various backgrounds
  • Creating safe spaces for open discussion about identity, cultural differences, and other sensitive topics
  • Training leaders on how to recognize unconscious bias and create action plans for improvement
  • Establishing clear goals and objectives at each level of management

ERGs have been proven effective in creating more equitable work environments where everyone has equal access to development opportunities regardless of their gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.

With our expertise in equity consulting, Novatia Consulting provides comprehensive services tailored specifically towards meeting organizational needs with regards to building a culture of inclusion within any company. We strive to ensure that every individual is empowered by their organization so they may reach their full potential.

Equity & Inclusion Coaching

The importance of Equity & Inclusion Coaching cannot be understated. Professionals and organizations alike understand the value of creating a workplace that is free from bias, racism and discrimination. As such, more and more companies are turning to diversity & equity consulting firms like Novatia Consulting to provide guidance on how best to create this environment for their employees.

Equity & Inclusion Coaches help individuals and organizations develop an understanding of underlying issues related to gender pay gap, intersectional analysis and cultural differences in order to foster a positive working culture.

Through individual or team coaching sessions, coaches use evidence-based approaches to identify areas for improvement within an organization’s policies and practices. They also facilitate conversations about unconscious biases as well as provide tools for proactive problem solving when conflicts arise.

When engaging with clients, Equity & Inclusion Coaches strive to bring both empathy and objectivity into play. This means being able to see all sides of an issue while remaining impartial so that clients can come up with solutions that work best for them. Additionally, they often serve as trusted advisors, providing feedback on new initiatives or changes in policy based on their knowledge of best practices in the field.

Overall, successful coaches are those who have developed strong relationships with their clients by demonstrating genuine respect and concern for their needs. They must be comfortable addressing difficult topics while still facilitating productive dialogue between stakeholders at every level of the company.

By utilizing these skills effectively and cultivating trust throughout the process, Equity & Inclusion Coaches can help ensure that businesses uphold equitable standards in the workplace now and into the future.

Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategies

Organizations in Nigeria are increasingly recognizing the need to prioritize diversity and inclusion efforts, as evidenced by growing interest in diversity metrics and hiring pipelines. In order to make meaningful progress on these initiatives, it is essential that organizations consider the development of robust talent acquisition and retention strategies.

These strategies should be designed with a focus on creating an equitable workplace culture where all employees feel valued, respected and heard. Creating an effective strategy requires knowledge of labor market trends, current best practices for recruitment and onboarding, potential legal risks associated with certain hiring or promotion processes, and other relevant information related to equality of opportunity among job candidates.

Organizations may also benefit from leveraging their existing employee network to create more diverse candidate pools through referrals or targeted outreach programs. Once hired, new staff can be provided with comprehensive onboarding plans tailored to their needs which will help them acclimate quickly while ensuring they have access to resources necessary for success.

A key component of this process is developing cultural competency training modules specifically geared towards managers responsible for leading diverse teams so that issues such as unconscious bias are addressed head-on. Additionally, companies should consider implementing recognition systems which reward employees who demonstrate strong commitment to promoting equity within their organization.

It is clear then that there exist numerous approaches which employers can take when designing comprehensive talent acquisition and retention strategies aimed at fostering greater levels of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. By taking proactive steps today, Nigerian businesses can position themselves well for sustained growth tomorrow thanks to a workforce that reflects the full range of talents present within society today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Cost Of Novatia Consulting’s Services?

Novatia Consulting offers a range of services focused on cultural awareness and inclusion strategies, with pricing tailored to individual needs.

Prices are based upon the scope and complexity of the project, as well as the client’s budget constraints.

Potential clients can discuss their specific requirements with one of Novatia Consulting’s experienced consultants in order to determine an appropriate rate for the desired service.

Does Novatia Consulting Have Experience Working With Organizations In Nigeria?

Novatia Consulting has extensive experience working with organizations in Nigeria.

This includes addressing cultural sensitivities and language barriers that may arise when attempting to create a more diverse and equitable workplace environment.

With their local knowledge, Novatia Consulting is able to effectively navigate the complexities of diversity & equity consulting in Nigeria by providing tailored solutions for each organization they work with.

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Diversity & Equity Consulting Project With Novatia Consulting?

Working with organizations to enhance their diversity and equity efforts requires a thorough understanding of the organizational culture, its cultural context and any potential barriers that may exist.

Novatia Consulting has extensive experience in this area and can typically complete a project within 6-12 weeks depending on the scope of work required.

Utilizing our expertise we are able to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of each organization while providing guidance and support throughout the process.

What Additional Services Does Novatia Consulting Offer Beyond The Ones Listed?

Novatia Consulting offers a range of additional services beyond those listed on their website.

These include:

  • Cultural Awareness Training, which provides education and awareness building around the various cultures in an organization;
  • Organizational Culture Assessments, enabling organizations to recognize areas where they may be lacking in diversity and equity initiatives;
  • Guidance for designing effective Diversity & Equity programs that meet organizational goals.

All these services are tailored to ensure each client’s unique needs are met.

How Does Novatia Consulting Measure The Success Of Its Diversity & Equity Consulting Projects?

Novatia Consulting measures the success of its diversity & equity consulting projects by assessing how culture shift and strategic equity strategies have impacted clients.

The process includes a review of data, interviews with stakeholders, surveys, focus groups, and other assessment activities to determine whether any tangible changes have resulted from their efforts in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the consulting project.


Novatia Consulting is a reliable and experienced provider of diversity & equity consulting services in Nigeria.

Their comprehensive range of services, competitive prices and proven track record for successful projects make them an ideal partner for any organization aspiring to develop a more equitable workplace environment.

The team at Novatia have the expertise necessary to ensure that all goals are met within agreed timeframes.

Furthermore, their commitment to measuring success provides clients with tangible evidence of progress towards achieving desired outcomes.

With Novatia’s help, organizations can confidently move forward on the path towards greater inclusion and equality.

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