A Dynamic Capability Approach: by Olaotan Akinniranye, Consultant, Novatia Consulting NG

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  • A Dynamic Capability Approach: by Olaotan Akinniranye, Consultant, Novatia Consulting NG

Excellent companies invest and nurture innovative management which they view as a vital fulcrum of organisational capability, from which they execute effective innovation processes, leading to innovations in new products, services and processes, and superior business performance results.

At Novatia Consulting NG, after an extensive review of the literature on innovation management, along with a case study of Cisco Systems, We developed a conceptual model of the firm as an innovation engine.

This new operating model sees substantial investment in innovation capability as the primary source for wealth creation, rather than possession of physical assets.

Buiding on our dynamic capabilities an “innovative capability” construct is proposed with seven elements. These are vision and strategy, harnessing the competence base, organisational intelligence, creativity and idea management, organisation structures and systems, culture and climate and management of technology.

Today, the emergence of the knowledge economy, intense global competition and considerable technological advance has seen innovation become increasingly central to competitiveness.

Innovation is the mechanism by which organisations produce the new products, processes and systems required for adapting to changing markets, technologies and modes of competition.

As companies become increasingly focused on innovation, the performance hurdles for success have increased considerably. Escalating levels of commitment to innovation are required simply to stay in the same place, much less improve competitive position.

However, at Novatia, we manage the complex and risky process of innovation which many organisations have seen problematic and considered fraught with difficulty.

We provide the framework for organisations showing that the process of innovation can be managed, systematised and replicated within organisations.

We show that successful innovations contain core elements and processes, regardless of the industry or firm. High performing innovators are able to harness our innovation meta-capability to achieve oustanding performance.

The practical concerns and demands of managers have often driven research into organisational innovation. In IMC, we conclude based on our experiences the most consistent theme found in the organisational innovation literature is that its research results have been in consistent.

Many models of innovation at the firm level have attempted to improve research consistency.These models have occupied a variety of theoretical positions, including institutional theory, cognitive theories, transaction cost economics, socio-technical approaches, market orientation and resource-based view.

Each theory contributes a piece of innovation puzzle. None can point a complete picture.

Our corporate training services in “Developing innovation capabilities“ and our conceptual model and style of innovation management has created an accepted comprehensive and systemic framework guiding organisations toward successful innovation.

Even so our evidence suggests that a number of core elements and processes exist which aid effective innovation outcomes.

Firm-level differences such as competitive environment, strategy, task complexity and management style means that the importance of each innovation process may vary across firms.

However, each innovation process is considered likely to exist in varying degress within all high-performing innovators.

Innovation represents today’s competitive advantage and is supported by strong mainstream capabilities in quality, efficiency, speed and flexibility.

Through innovation our team and experts around the world help firms in shaping the futures of their industries.

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